OriginOrigin Co., Ltd.

Inquiries about Products

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About various products
  • Precision Machinery Parts For miniature bearings, one-way clutches, torque limiters, small mechanical products and their composite products, etc.
  • Paints Coatings for plastics, aqueous coatings for plastics, coatings for nonferrous metals, UV curable coatings, functional coatings, coatings for vacuum deposition, etc.
  • Power Supplies Various types of DC power supply equipment, high-voltage power supply equipment for LCD manufacturing equipment, DC high-voltage power supply equipment, etc.
  • Metal joining・Coating/Bonding Equipment・Fluxless Vacuum Reflow Oven Mobile Display Bonding (MDB), Automotive and Industrial Display Bonding (DB), Optical Lens Bonding (OLB), Large-scale Welding Machine (RMW), Cap Sealer for Optical Semiconductor (CSW), Vacuum Soldering System (VSM), and various system equipment, etc.
  • Power Semiconductor Devices Semiconductors such as high-speed diodes, rectifier diodes, Schottky barrier diodes, surge absorbers, and their composite modules, etc.
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