
Management Policies, Medium-term Management Plans, and Business and Other Risks

Management Policy

Our company is working towards our management philosophy of “Aiming to be a company that is open, unique, and a place for self-realization, with a strong presence that is useful to human society”. We will evolve our unique technologies that span the fields of “Electronics”, “Mechatronics”, “Chemitronics”, and “Components”, and through the development of new technologies, we will contribute to the creation of value for our customers and to a prosperous society.
We aim to be a company that attracts people and information, a company with unique, one-of-a-kind technology, a company where employees are not afraid to fail and boldly work towards self-realization, and a company that is indispensable to our customers, and we will meet the expectations and trust of all stakeholders.
Our group companies have established a “Basic Policy on Corporate Governance” to ensure the soundness, effectiveness and transparency of management, and to develop as a company that is trusted and valued by society through the sustainable improvement of corporate value.

Mid-term Management Plan


Aiming for niche top
~A company that provides security and comfort to society and customers~


“Change” and “Growth”
By implementing the new medium-term management plan, which is centered on " Change " and "growth," we will create a new "growth engine" and become an indispensable presence in a drastically changing social environment through the development of unique technologies.

Six Transformations

business aspects
  • Ⅰ. Changing business
  • Ⅱ. Changing Technology
  • Ⅲ. Changing Sales
systematics aspects
  • Ⅰ. Changing culture
  • Ⅱ. Changing Cost Structure
  • Ⅲ. Changing communication

Numerical plan

In April 2022, our group started a new medium-term management plan, Change & Growth 2026
Through focused efforts on growth strategies, including the development of new markets and the creation of new businesses, we aim to create new growth engines and achieve medium- to long-term corporate value.

Take a closer look

Business and Other Risks

The Company has established rules and regulations governing basic matters related to risk management and is working to ensure the continuation and stable development of its business through company-wide risk management practices.
A “Risk Management Committee” has been established to oversee overall risk management, and an action plan for risk management is formulated and implemented on a regular basis, and each business unit  manages risks related to its respective division and reports the status of risk management to the Board of Directors through Risk Management Committee.
The following are the major risks that management recognizes as having the potential to materially affect the consolidated company's financial position, operating results, and cash flows, among other matters related to the status of business and accounting.

  • (1)Structural risks associated with equipment industry-related business
  • (2)Supply chain
  • (3)Price competition, competition and new development of products
  • (4)Disaster countermeasures
  • (5)Infectious disease and pandemic-related
  • (6)Retirement benefit costs and obligations
  • (7)Public regulations
  • (8)Compliance
  • (9)Human resource recruitment and development
  • (10)Foreign exchange rate fluctuations
  • (11)Impairment accounting
  • (12)Information security and cyber attacks
  • (13)Product quality-related
  • (14)Financial covenants
  • (15)Deferred tax assets