Origin recognizes the importance of compliance with laws and regulations (compliance) in risk management, and has established a Compliance Committee that regularly formulates and implements compliance policies and action plans. Based on the Origin Group Charter of Behavior, a system is in place to control and promote compliance throughout the entire Origin Group. Employees and others are prohibited from violating laws, regulations, and internal rules, and are required to promptly report any violations by others to internal authorities.
In addition, the Origin Group strives to foster an awareness of respect for compliance through periodic education, distribution of educational materials, and the annual Compliance Enhancement Month.
For the purpose of promoting compliance, the Company accepts a wide range of reports from outside the Company regarding illegal, irregular, or inappropriate actions by employees of the Company and its group companies. If an employee of the Company or its group companies is found to have committed or may commit an act that violates or may violate compliance (in principle, only "Reportable Fact" as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 3 of the Whistleblower Protection Act), please contact the following department.
For consultations, etc. from outside parties, the reporting desk and the outsourcing desk established on the Company's website are available.
Please contact us using the dedicated form.
Consultation and reporting contact from outside parties